Friday 29 June 2012

MelJayNaray Poem: Loving hearts

 This is a poem inspired by a wonderful man- Pleasure Ellis - here he is on Twitter!/PleasureEllis  Sometimes you are so touched by a Special Soul, you want to shout it from the rooftops! <3 

I also dedicate it to all the fabulous people I meet who bless me with a smile from their loving hearts!

Loving Hearts

Loving hearts never expect thank you’s or endless praise
Even though they can beam light into the sky’s cloudy greys

Loving hearts turn the rainy showers into liquid gold
But they are so precious that they’re kept safely and never sold

Loving hearts never give up
They seek to fill the brim of your empty cup

Loving hearts will intervene when the bad times tug
Even though they don’t have arms, they’ll give you a hug!

Loving hearts will find you wherever you may dwell
They travel treacherous roads just to bring you out of your shell

Loving hearts keep growing with every beat
Because they want to accommodate everybody that they meet

Loving hearts never close their doors,
In them you can find shelter from the worldly wars

Loving hearts are the best First Aid for any bruise
When laughter is the best medicine they’ll keep you amused!

Loving hearts spur you on and give your hand a squeeze
They will bless you even before you sneeze!

Loving hearts are not extinct like the dinosaurs
They take your breath away as you stop and pause

Loving hearts are overflowing with a spirit that prevails
So that even when they stop beating they always leave a trail.

© Melanie Jay Narayanasamy 2012

Monday 11 June 2012

MelJayNaray Poem: Battleground

Hi everyone :) It's been a while, but I've had some lovely encouragement and prompting and felt it was time to publish this latest poem. It's a great feeling to have it finally up, and I'm very grateful for the kind individuals who have given me such support with my poetry. As ever, I am Blessed by the Lord. 

This poem describes one experience of depression and uses the analogy of being a soldier on a battleground ~ but in reality the soldier is a person living with depression with the battleground being her/his everyday life.

 With the very best wishes from Mel XXX

Battleground Melanie Jay Narayanasamy

Dodging bullets on the battleground
And all my strength depletes in volume
I feel my face dragging downwards with forehead frowned
Lifting each foot to walk where the flowers never bloom

Youthful energy passes me, I am shut
Dealing with the daily dangers using a broken shield
Every move an aching effort
Passing by the everyday with eyes that see but visions sealed

Rest in Peace past days, the dull days I wish would come
Empty is the present wilderness, waiting to go over the top 
Songs of life play but they don't match the mind's slum
Send me a distorted version for it would be a better swap

In the night, stripped, isolated, submitting to the poison of a fearful thought
Visits by the enemy, the pain is normalised, I am immune
Energy now rated at less than naught
The daylight was slow to come, yet still came much too soon
Hope from the sun lifted my heart briefly then let it collapse
Of course nothing’s changed, the battle continues
Until death, this is how it will always be perhaps
Giving up on the tired brain I fear is too damaged to use

How this daily battle has me fighting over something but I don’t know what
The bandages don't heal these wounds from war
Someone give me a reason, someone tell me where I slot,
Surely sweet pain would relieve the numbness of this unseen sore

The biggest attack comes from the smiles, the ones most genuine
It’s the cold reminder that sinks my heart and leaves it drowned
Nothing is crueller than the belief that you’ll never leave and you’ll never win
Grief-stricken and spending an eternity on the battleground      
© Melanie Jay Narayanasamy 2012