Tuesday 24 December 2013

For Jonny

For Jonny....
Because you wear your heart on your sleeves,

It was easy to find without scrutiny and scans

And when friendship was gladly received

That heart rubbed off on me the moment we shook hands!


Because your words were a different language,

As you became my gentle tear-wiper

They wrapped around my hurt like a bandage

And taught me to listen to my heart’s messages and decipher


Because you see my colours beyond my written black script

Today I will paint you something colourful and creative

For times when our sun is hidden in the eclipse

The scene will be a land called Compassion, to which we are native


Because you told me the truest story, humble and honest

Where the hero sometimes has to crawl…

…Through the wood and tree-cluttered forests,

Now I will get to know my rainbow before seeking the pot of gold


Because to go the extra mile you were willing to travel

Despite the unfamiliarity and the uncertainty

Now however the future may unravel

Rest assured that on your journeys I shall always accompany!
© Melanie Jay Narayanasamy, 2013

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Sips- A poem about anxiety and panic

By Melanie Jay Narayanasamy

Today I take a sip
The sip of life to my lips
The lump appears as it passes my throat
It must be a coincidence, nothing to note

So the next day it is two more sips
From this drink called life I take to my lips
My vision is blurred, I cannot see far and squint at the closest
While bit by bit I seem to lose focus

But still I must continue, with three small sips
Life proceeds to enter my lips
Past the lump, to my heart it trickles
Draining away I feel so little

It takes another four sips
Of putting this thing called life into my lips
To realise my heart is sinking, down it descends
And I’m getting tired of having to pretend

Five slow and dreaded sips
Of the poisonous life do pass my lips
The toxins filter down to the gut with enthusiasm
And I silently wince as I feel a spasm

One, two, three, four, five, six, counting the sips
A bit faster today, liquid life is upon my lips
And soon it runs to my joints, my ligaments
The pain cannot be medicated, for nothing makes a difference

Seven days of the week and seven sips
Lethal life tingles on my lips
It has me under trial and I know the verdict
For to this drink of life, I am allergic

© Melanie Jay Narayanasamy 2013

Monday 25 March 2013

MelJayNaray Poem: In Mind

  In mind    By Melanie Jay Narayanasamy 

The cogs always ran a little differently, a little distinct
Sometimes faster, sometimes slower, maybe sometimes they stalled
But somehow they were never really in sync
With the rest of them, though this remained untold

Tick tock, tick tick tick tock and tock tock ticks
No rules as such, no order to which they subscribed
I found a routine programmed to bring about the quick fix
To settle the rising of the agonising vibes

And sometimes one found a little respite from the normalised chaos
What one would call “temporary peace”
A harmonised clearance spreading across
A time to let the forehead lines un-crease

 But somehow the cogs manage to intrude
Restless and needing to interfere and harass
 Distorted ticking and tocking away the mood
Making sure that they were having a blast

One thought niggling within the mind becomes embedded
And then it seems to grow and disperse
Before long, the sharpest of certainties are shredded
And you’re left with a mind un-nursed

And the cogs welcome these newcomers to the ritual
They welcome them with thanks
It is an invitation most cruel
To allow them to partake in the everyday angst

Then what you worried about before is made redundant
Stacked somewhere under a bigger worry
And you wonder how that one was ever pungent,
When this one has created quite a slurry

 A closed mouth cordons off this hazard
For it is not spoken about, not in this life humdrum
And though keeping up appearances can leave you shattered
It is all you can do as the standard tick tocks around you come

The paradox of outer melody and internal shrieks
Both in the same room, co-existing, tormenting the conditions
And the bitter droplets of anguish do eventually leak

From a mind wholeheartedly hoping that someone will listen

© Melanie Jay Narayanasamy 2013

Wednesday 13 February 2013

MelJayNaray Poem: Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day: Tribute to the Heart

By Melanie Jay Narayanasamy

The heart is a special organ made of gold
With a jewel encrusted exterior and gems installed
It shines in humble glory and happily skips
While offering a truer kiss than from the lips
It is the strongest muscle within our skeletal frame  
Always in the running for Cupid’s aim
And even when his arrow misses
It can mend itself from the glitches

A loving beater who makes you whole
It’s a survivor for when life takes its toll
And when you’re lifted, it is in sync
A partner to your emotions, an endless link

Often it ventures out with a mind of its own
But love and goodwill keep it from turning to stone
When infused, it can paint a picture and bring colour to the palest beige
Staying faithful to your soul, it will be forever engaged

So don’t be surprised when they enthuse
That you take care of it and don’t misuse
For to own something so special, I am inclined
To celebrate my heart on this Valentine’s! 

 © Melanie Jay Narayanasamy 2013