Friday 30 January 2015

Happy Birthday to my hero Mr Jonny Benjamin

◦ * ♡ ♪Happy Birthday to my hero Mr Jonny Benjamin ♥♥♥

Some heroes have trekked giant mountains, and from the top, they delighted in  how the crowd reacted

My hero listened to his heart and took one courageous step backward


Some heroes perform and put on a show to relentless applause which deafens

My hero stripped down to his heart, tore off the mask and revealed his honest essence


Some heroes are elevated to the top by praise and enjoy the sights from the pedestal

My hero passed up his place and chose to give it instead to several


Some heroes hurriedly sign photographs, dividing their pen amongst fans who crave

My hero wrote a unique message for my heart where it is forever engraved


Some heroes know the worth of their presence with which they honour us

My hero wears a humble cloak that keeps him anonymous


Some heroes are only such by illusion, for the cameras, maintained by trickery

My hero is thoroughly real, for with him I have an affinity


Some heroes become lost into the dizzy heights that they are entering

My hero became my hero on the day I found Mr Jonny Benjamin


♥♥♥ God Bless Benjamazing, warm hugs & abundant love always, Mel XXXXXXXXX♥♥♥

◦ * ♡ ♪