Sunday 31 July 2011

MelJayNaray Poem: Heart Hands and Chambers

Hiya everyone :) I started this a few weeks ago and have slowly made little touches until I ended up with this! I like it, because it expresses my feelings about hearts- to me they are not just organs, they go much beyond that. They truly are the most magical things and I hope this poem expresses that. Sometimes it does feel as though the heart has hands and I played upon the chambers thing to create the idea of the heart having storage space :D I would very much love 2 hear what you think! You can reply on this blog if you have a google account or tweet me if you are on twitter. No worries if you can't or would prefer not to, the fact that you are reading it is quite wonderful enough! Much love XXX

Heart Hands and Chambers

The heart has a pair of hands and chambers of four,

What would you recommend it store?

A load of worries and anxiety in stacks,

Or the weight of despair until it cracks!

And with those hands, what should it hold?

A burning grudge that begins to scold?

Heartburn commences and even with the prescription the doctor wrote,

There doesn’t seem to be a successful antidote.

And when its hands painfully throb,

And all it will want to do is sob,

How will it be able to clap?

Or receive gifts to unwrap?

No kisses sent out from the heart hands blown,

Surely it will turn to stone?

And the chambers are full, there’s no room at the inn,

Buckling under heavy sadness, walls become thin!

Nothing happy to show in the chambers occupied,

Only sombre scenes exhibited by the tour guide.

And the stubborn stains of sadness become built in,

Taking the their toll so the heart is tilting,                                                      

The hands are quitting, the chambers are splitting!

It’s an organ, nothing beyond,

If you believe otherwise you’re being conned.

Once the symbol of love, now demoted,  

By the scars with which it is coated.

It may still beat, but when all said and done, it’s failed

As though death’s arrow has become impaled…

Stop in the Name of Love I’m pleading!

Please find what flourishes and start weeding!

Time to begin a cleaning regime,

And the hunt for Love’s polishing cream!

Fix the chambers with compassionate tools,

To revamp the rust and turn them into jewels!

Time’s lotion repairs the cracks and all that was worn,

An ocean of forgiveness sees the grudge withdrawn!

And with the fires weakened,

The only flame is Love’s beacon!

There isn’t a single trace of smoke,

A bridge starts forming over the trust that broke!

The worries and anxieties are forced to vacate,

The burdens are starved and lose their weight!

The health of the hands has been restored,

So they decide to play a melodic chord!

It’s a heart’s honorary invite!

To display the healed wounds from despair’s bite!

Death’s arrow fell for Life’s Charms,

The darkness surrendered to Light’s alarm!

The hands’ claps quicken; The chamber walls thicken!

On goes the switch of Love’s unfailing vacuum,

To clear out the dusty cobwebs of murky gloom!

The gifts come and are ready to be untied,

The heart is a groom taking happy memories as its bride!

To the position of Valentine sign, the heart is reinstated!

And beats to the tune of passion that had long waited!

The work of Heart hands and chambers has resumed,

Visitors are welcome to a place that’s refurbished and groomed!

The Heart has a pair of hands and chambers of four,

And now it’s grown a smile right at the core!

© Melanie Jay Narayanasamy 2011

Sunday 17 July 2011

MelJayNaray Rhyme 4 ALL

Rhyme 4 ALL
When the anxiety of the deadlines weigh a ton,

Remember that just like the spider's web begins as a thread of silk unspun...

The giant tasks start with the smallest steps rather than none  

© Melanie Jay Narayanasamy 2011