Saturday 16 July 2011

MelJayNaray Poem: The Night Caller

Hope you all like this one! This began a story written in year 10 of secondary school in 2002, and slowly over the years, I turned it into a poem. To be honest with you, I only got around to finishing it today :P It’s been something that I kept leaving and coming back to- much of it was turned into a poem in 2003, but I just couldn’t dedicate the time to finish it in a way I felt happy with…I think I’m finally there! But who knows, maybe in 2020, there’ll be another version! I would really love to hear what you think if you have time! Lotsa love Mel XXXX

The Night Caller

By Melanie Jay Narayanasamy

The air was hot and the night was quiet.
As he approached the house, not one stirred.
He would be quick, there would be no riot,
It was the nights like this that he preferred.

As he neared the window, he saw the gap.
It was kind being so generously wide.
Just the persistent dripping of the tap,
Was the melody that met him inside.

Turning the tap, he felt his body shake.
Perhaps coming had been the wrong decision?
But the promise was one he couldn’t break,
So he had to complete the mission.

 He needed the stairs, he had to be fast.
If he got caught, he’d have to pay the debt,
So he had to ensure that the secrecy would last.
And he searched for the bedroom where she slept

The girl lay behind one of five doors,
And it was up to him to select.
Although the hardest of all his chores,
It was one he could hardly neglect.

He ignored the first door which was simply wrong,
                                          He knew from its wooden figure and handle type.
But he jumped as it creaked a tuneless song,
And he was forced to give his forehead a wipe.

The second door relaxed his heart’s hasty beating,
The occupant’s name was clearly displayed.
For a moment he had his doubts and considered retreating,
But he had a task that needed to be obeyed.

So he turned the handle with hands of sweat,
And moved to where she lay on the tips of his toes...
Holding his breath, he tried to ignore the threat,
Of what would happen if her eyes stopped being closed.

The Night Caller gave the girl’s hair a stroke,
And next to her, he saw the glistening object...
He reached over the sturdy bed of oak,
Being gentle to avoid anything being wrecked.

Taking the gem he wanted, he made the swap
And made his way to the window just past the desk,
He pushed it open with solo efforts, using no prop
And ventured outside as the moon shone so picturesque!


The girl woke the next morning and had her routine strict,
So she made her way to the bathroom when she suddenly stalled...
She’d remembered! She ran back flustered and panicked,
But smiled as she found the Tooth Fairy had left a coin of gold!

© Melanie Jay Narayanasamy 2011

1 comment:

  1. Awhh mel this is a lush poem. It's amazing fair play, but then again so are all your poems :) Fab poem once again! :D xoxo
