Tuesday 25 February 2014

Happy Birthday Michelle!

Happy Birthday Michelle! ~ A birthday poem for Michelle Hardwick

Happy Birthday to the beautiful lady I call a role model
Michelle, whose name means God-given
With talent that would sell a fortune if bottled
And kindness that is never hidden


For over a decade I have watched you shimmer
From hospital reception to veterinary practice
You grow, stand proud and never wither
Delivering charisma that keeps the world spinning on its axis

You follow your heart and it encourages
You have found happiness with your lady chosen
With smiles, beauty and a bond that flourishes
Secure in the love that for you, God has woven

And today what better time to emphasise
How much you mean to so many of us
The cheers and applause shall arise
As we reserve the right to make a fuss! 


Because you are special and beloved
Today wishes shall surround your heart of beauty
And cards of well-wishes will leave your mantle cluttered
Because saying thank you truly is our duty!


Lots of love from Mel XXXXX

Friday 14 February 2014


"Red" by Melanie Jay Narayanasamy

The rose you see in the light of dawn
Remember that its red colour was something gained
When someone picked it up and caught their finger on its thorn
Their wound seeped onto the petals to leave them stained.


The apple you see healthy and well
The one that hangs plump and ripe
It turned that way when someone bit into its shell
Leaving it with a red blush that could not be wiped

The strawberry you see in the bunches
That promises sweet things and such
It was picked by the cruellest hunters
Who marred it with red scars by their touch 


The heart you relentlessly believe in
The one you think is beating strong and red
Is only that shade because it is grieving
Since the day that someone stabbed it so it bled


© Melanie Jay Narayanasamy 2014